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From Giovanni Caboto to You: Brief History of Italians in Canada

Since the Italian navigator and explorer Giovanni Caboto (known as John Cabot) first landed on the island of Newfoundland, Canada, Italians have been traveling and migrating to the land of the maple leaf for centuries.

Like most migrations, the Italian one sees two distinct waves of migration: the first between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century and the second one immediately after WWII. The most significant increase in the number of residents belonging to the Italian community in Canada occurred between 1951 and 1961 when it went from fifty thousand to four hundred thousand units. Italians from Veneto and Friuli to Calabria and Sicily made of Canada their new home, hoping for a brighter future. After another decade, in 1971, the population residing in Canada of Italian origin was seven hundred thirty thousand units, of which three hundred eighty-five thousand was born in Italy.


Italians aboard the S.S. Italia on their way to Canada, in 1959.

Today Italians are present in almost all Canada: the most popular destinations for young migrants remain Montreal and Toronto, and only recently Italians have moved to other cities such as Ottawa and Vancouver. As reported in the Library and Archives Canada:

There are approximately 1.4 million Canadians of Italian descent today. Many of these people are descendents from the recent Italian immigration in the post-Second World War era which saw Southern Italy, with the exception of Sardina, as a major source of immigration.

Map created by Domen - Own work by Domen. Retrieved from:


Italian- Genealogy and Family history, Library and Archives Canada, Government of Canada (2019).

Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada West (n.d.). Maybe not everyone knows that...

Mastracci, D. (2018). As A Proud Italian-Canadian, I Won't Stand By My Community's Racism. HuffPost Canada. Retrieved from:

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